Attendance Matters! Our whole school target is 97% so please be in everyday.
Welcome to 2TM
Miss Maguire, Miss Barwise & Miss Todd
We have had a fantastic start to the year. It has been wonderful to see so many happy, smiley faces walking through the door each day. You have all returned to school with positive attitudes towards your learning. I am super excited to help you learn and grow this year and I am looking forward to all the fun activities and units of work we will be covering this year.
School now starts at 8:45am, which allows us to have a 15 minutes calm start. Regstration will be at 9:00am. School finishes at 3:15pm. Please collect from the classroom doors. In order to keep everyone safe, please stand back from the doors at drop off and pick up times. Thank you, Miss Maguire.
We are focusing on developing independence and a sense of responsibility; we encourage our children to look after their own belongings. Please ensure all items of clothing are labelled with your child’s name, to avoid items being lost.
As the weather is starting to become colder, please ensure your child brings a coat to school every day and in the colder weather, a hat , scarf and gloves, clearly labelled please.
We encourage children to read as much as they can independently, with an adult and as a class. All children should have a home/school reading book to their phonetic ability and a story book they have read that week in their phonics lessons. Reading books will go home every night and are to be returned every morning to school. Please write a comment in the reading record praising how well your child has read. Books will be changed on a Friday by their phonics teacher. If your child does not bring in a book bag or reading folder their book will not be changed.
Homework will be uploaded to dojo every Friday and homework is to be completed and returned the following Friday. The children will have a spelling test on a Friday, please ensure you practise your child's spelling at home.
Homework will include:
-Reading books
PE is on a Wednesday (inside) and Friday (outside). Children should come to school in the correct PE kits on these days.
Attached below is the curriculum map which breaks down what the children will be learning each term.
I have attached Year 2 Common Exception words, at the end of Year 2 all children must be able to spell these words ready for Year 3.
Please click on the links below for more information about the Y2 curriculum this year.