Attendance Matters! Our whole school target is 97% so please be in everyday.
Miss Kane
Welcome to Year 4 at Blueberry Park Primary School!
We have an exciting term ahead of us. I can't wait to hear about what you have been up to and share the things we have coming up. Let's keep up all the hard work, enthusiasm and positivity!
Attendance and Punctuality
We expect all of our children to have excellent attendance, aiming for 100% every week. School starts at 8:45am (calm start) and then registration is at 9am. School finishes at 3:15pm. In order to keep everyone safe, please stand back from the doors at drop off and pick up times. If you would like to speak about anything, please make an appointment.
We encourage children to read as much as they can independently, with an adult and as a class. All children should have a home/school reading book and a reading for pleasure book which is kept in school. Reading books will go home every night and are to be returned every morning to school. Please write a comment in the reading record praising how well your child has read. Reading books will be changed once a week on a Friday.
PE is on Tuesday and Wednesday. Children should come to school in their PE kits on these days.
Homework will be uploaded onto class dojo on a Friday and can be completed in their yellow homework books. This should be returned by the following Friday. This will include spelling and times tables. Sometimes there may be additional homework tasks.
Multiplication Check
At the end of Year 4, children will have a times tables test. It is vital that children practice their times tables daily up to and including 12 times tables.
Please use the following websites to learn the times tables: